The Armed Forces of Ukraine present the track "Pixel defends its own" on the occasion of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine


On September 30, the video for the song "Pixel Defends His Own" written by Oleh "Fahot" Mykhailyuta and Oleksandr "Fozzy" Sydorenko (TNMK) premiered. The song tells the story of the adventures of Pixel, an animated superhero who represents Ukrainian defenders. The presentation of the video clip is timed to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine.
The Main Communications Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in cooperation with the members of the band Dance on the Congo Square and the popular educational project Book Journey. Ukraine" presented a video for the song "Pixel defends its own".
The innovative project is dedicated to Pixel, an animated character whose stories help young people who have never been to Crimea, Donetsk, or Luhansk learn about the history of the Ukrainian people's heroic struggle against Russian aggression.
The animated video tells how one day, during a history lesson, a girl draws a portrait of her father defending the country. The alarm goes off and she goes down to the shelter. In the darkness of the threats hanging over Ukraine, Pixel appears - a brave guardian of freedom. He is ready to fight for every Ukrainian, protecting the sky, land and sea.
And together with Pixel, prominent Ukrainians of previous eras, symbols of national resistance, and even letters of the Ukrainian alphabet stand up to defend their native land.
"Thanks to the song by Fahot and Fozzy, as well as the video about Pixel's adventures, the youngest viewers will learn about the titans on whose shoulders the country rests, about the courage and heroism of Ukraine's defenders who are defending their country," summarizes project manager Colonel Artemiy Katkov, Deputy Head of the Communications Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Symbolically, the presentation of the song is timed to coincide with the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, a time when educators, teachers and parents explain to the younger generation the context, causes and consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war, honoring the courage and heroism of Ukraine's defenders.
"You should not be afraid to talk to children about difficult topics. The main thing is to choose the right words and tone to talk about modern warfare and the contribution of defenders," said Iryna Taranenko, producer of the project Book Travels. Ukraine".
"Our culture is a powerful weapon to protect Ukrainian identity. But without our defenders, there will be nothing - neither the future nor what to defend. ", - said the author of the music, Oleg "Fahot" Mykhailyuta. The video "Pixel defends its own" is available on the YouTube page "The Traveling Book. Ukraine" and the Facebook page of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
For reference:
The animated video is the second in a series of animated videos about Pixel. The first animated video about Pixel's adventures premiered on February 24, 2024 and garnered more than a million views on various platforms. With the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the video was included in the All-Ukrainian School Online educational program (History, grade 5) and used for educational purposes in educational institutions.
