Summer School for professors of pedagogic colleges


On August 15-19, 2013 the Summer School for professors of pedagogic colleges (in Ukraine - the facilities that train future pre-school teachers). The School was organized by the Academy of Ukrainian Press in partnership with the Institute of Innovative Technologies and Contents of Education (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) with the support of U-Media Program. The School was the first intensive course on media education for this group of teachers.

The Summer School was attended by professors from Kherson, Donetsk, Volyn, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Vinnytsya, Transcarpathian, Ternopil oblasts and the city of Kyiv. The significant share of the trainees will start to teach “Media education” course starting in 2013/2014 academic year in compliance with the recommendations provided by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2013.

A set of lectures and practical classes was held within the School’s program. Valery Ivanov, the AUP President, told the educators about the effects and impact of mass media; Andriy Kulakov’s (Internews-Ukraine) presentation was dedicated to manipulations in media; Andriy Mashtakov, the expert in new media, covered the topic of the Internet’s impact over future generations. Oleh Khomenok, media trainer, told about media as business and types of mass media. Viktoriya Myronenko, Photocult, provided the audience with the information on the history of photo art and critical thinking. The Head of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine, Serhiy Trymbach, film critic delivered a lecture on classic Ukrainian films.
Iryna Chelysheva, Russian media education professional, provided the trainees with the mini-course on methodology of teaching media education. Lyudmyla Humenyuk, media trainer, facilitated the School and ensured the every day’s reflection on the outcomes of previous days. The AUP Executive Director held practical cinema classes: the educators watched new Polish movies (with the support of Polish Institute in Kyiv) and Ukrainian ones (“The Lessons in Ukrainian” by R. Batytsky). The School participants also visited 1+1 channel within the frame of a study tour; Tetyana Pushnova, TSN news chief, hosted the visit and met with the educators.

All the trainees declared that upon their return to the facilities it would be a priority for them to deliver lectures on media education.
