«Fact checking – the most significant challenge of online journalism», – Andrii Yurychko


Such topics as the place and role of Internet journalism in traditional media system, basic trends, copyrights in Internet, specificity of journalistic material creation for the web media, ways to promote journalistic materials in Internet were heard today by students of M. Kotsyubynskyi Vinnytsya State Teachers' Training University from Andrii Yurychko, media trainer and journalist. He emphasized that the involvement of new technologies had not changed anything in fact. Journalists are writing and people are reading. However, modern media transformed the material creation process in a new way.
Valeriy Ivanov, President of AUP, drew attention to unacceptability of citing information from social networks by media without fact checking. Journalists are loosing trust of audience while conveying not reliable information. 'Successful journalist is one who has a great number of sources for verifying information and search of new topics or ideas' - he pointed out.
'Online journalism' training participants also received practical assignments, exercised in journalistic material writing, and took the courses: copyrights in Internet as well as security of journalistic activity.

The event was organized by the Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
