“Access to media: elections 2012” analytical report


Academy of Ukrainian Press, international charitable fund, has the honor to present you “Access to media: elections 2012” analytical report (based on the survey (conducted in August – October 2012) printed and on-line. Access to media is a sine qua non for democratic elections. The transitional democracies frequently experience problems to comply with this condition: it is especially noticeable during the pre-election campaigns, when media turn out to be the boxing ring to win the support of the voters. In the course of the pre-election campaign the AUP conducted the content analysis monitoring survey, studying the TV news broadcast by nine most popular Ukrainian TV channels, including those ranked the highest in ratings and having the most considerable impact over the audience (Inter, 1+1, Novy Channel, STB, ICTV, Ukraine), Pershy Natsionalny, as a state-owned channel, and TVi, which has a profile as the top opposition channel. In October 2012 this sample was added with Channel 5; in 2004 this channel’s work was the model for an information channel with a balanced editorial policy (only the news broadcast by Channel 5 was within the scope of the study). The composition of the sample was stipulated by the fact that it is through these very channels the Ukrainian public gets the information about the events in the country and international events.

Report authors:

  • Serhiy Makeev – Institute of Sociology, NASU, Social Structures Unit, Head, Doctor of Sociology, professor.
  • Nataliya Kostenko – Institute of Sociology, NASU, Sociology and Mass Communication Unit, Head, Doctor of Sociology.
  • Valery Ivanov – Academy of Ukrainian Press President, professor, Doctor of Philology in Journalism.
  • Diana Dutsyk – “Mediasapiens” editor, PhD in Philology.
  • Oksana Voloshenyuk – Academy of Ukrainian Press, M. T. Rylsky Institute of Art, Folklore Studies and Ethnology Institute, Cinema art and TV Unit, NASU, researcher.
  • Translated by Serhiy DyomaOn-line version of the report

    This monitoring research became possible due to the support of the American people. Monitoring results shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Academy of Ukrainian Press and not necessarily reflect the opinion of USAID and Internews Network. The research is also funded by the International Renaissance Foundation and British Embassy in Ukraine. The opinions and conclusions in this report remain those of its authors.

    The publication of the final report became possible due to the support by the British Embassy in Ukraine and the International Renaissance Foundation.

    The Academy of Ukrainian Press expresses its gratitude to the international organizations, whose support made this monitoring project possible.

