- The channels advertising strategies: At the pre-election campaign’s initial stage political advertising is mostly represented by specially designed videos; political issues-related TV programs are missing at most channels except TVi.
- The parties advertising strategies:
The most popular political powers are more active in advertising (Party of Regions have two times more advertisements than Batkivshchina)
Yu. Tymoshenko is among the most frequently mentioned leaders in advertising
The share of anti-advertising is larger than it was in August 2007
Anti-advertising is not focused on specific political persons
- The trend: Opposition of the currently ruling political power vs. the previous political power
- 13 of 22 parties registered by Central Election Commission are mentioned in prime-time in August.
- In August 8 channels broadcast 1024 advertisements, the total air time was 50,592 seconds. If calculated per one channel, the number is 1.3 times more than it was in August 2007 and the air time is roughly the same.
- TVi is a leader as regards both the number of advertisements (30%) and the advertising time (47%). The number of advertisements at other channels ranges from 10% at Pershy Natsionalny to 6% at TRC Ukraine, the share of air time – from 16% at Pershy Natsionalny to 3% at TRC UKraine. Political advertisements account for 27% of the weekly prime time at TVi (in August 2007 року 5th channel had 37%).
- The specially designed videos account for 69% of all advertisements in September and 44% of air time (in August 2007 the shares were 59% and 35%, respectively). They constitute almost all advertisements at STB (98%) and Novy Channel (97%). TVi features the smallest share – 37%.
- In August Party of Regions had the largest share of advertisements – 31% (25% in August 2007), followed by “Batkivshchina” – 16%, CPU – 10%, “Ukraine – Forward!” – 9%, UDAR – 7%, “Our Ukraine” – 6%. As for the time, the same parties have similar hierarchy: Party of Regions - 23% (21% in August 2007), “Batkivshchina” - 21% (BYUT - 24% in August 2007), UDAR – 8%, CPU – 7%, “Our Ukraine” and “Ukraine – Forward!” - 5% each.
- Both in terms of the number of advertisements and the air time the Party of Regions’ share was the largest at 1+1 (58% and 60%, respectively), “Batkivshchina” had the highest share as for the air time at ICTV (29%), CPU was the leader at Pershy Natsionalny (21%), UDAR – at Novy Channel and STB (11% each), “Ukraine - Forward!” at TRC Ukraine – 28%.
- In 54% of advertisements political persons are mentioned (87% in August 2007). In August V. Yanukovych was the most frequently mentioned person (15%, in August 2007 - 22%), M.Azarov (15%), Yu. Tymoshenko (10%, in August 2007 – 11%), three representatives of “Ukraine – Forward” party - А. Shevchenko (9%), N. Korolevska (8%), O.Stupka (8%), and V. Klychko, UDAR leader – 7%.
- The proportion of explicit advertising in the format of special advertising products (short videos, films, announcements) constituted 76% of air time (52% in August 2007) and 84% of all advertisements (68% in August 2007). SPU, “Sobor”, Liberal Party of Ukraine, “Hromada”, Green Planet, “Svoboda” did not have specific advertising products in prime-time.
- The share of messages with anti-advertising in August was 54%, which is 1.6 times more than in August 2007 (34%); as for the air time it is 66% (64% in August 2007). The share of messages with anti-advertising was the biggest at TVi - 64% (as for the air time – 76%), and the smallest at TRC Ukraine – 34% and 44%, respectively. In August 2007 the share of messages with anti-advertising was the largest at Inter (52%), and as regards the air time as well – 81%.
- In August the proportion of positive and negative advertising in air time features prevailing positive trend in all parties. The leaders of anti-advertising are Ruling Power and parliamentary coalition (31% of air time), Party of Regions (15%), President – 11% (10% in August 2007), “Orange power” – 10%, “Oligarchs” – 7%. Regarding political persons anti-advertising mostly mentioned M. Azarov – 2% (in August 2007 V. Yushchenko – 3% of prime time).
- In August 66% of advertisements included mentions of political values (in August 2007 the indicator was 51%, at 2006 elections the maximum percentage was observed in February – 48%). The most frequently mentioned values included changes and dynamics – 29%, economic growth – 23%, Ukraine – 21% (in August 2007 Ukraine – 38% and economic growth – 22%). Social values are included into 83% of advertisements (74% in August 2007); the two leading values are as follows: increasing living standards, social security (50%) and stability, order, safety (41%) (in August 2007 in 37% of cases increasing living standards and in 34% of cases qualities of the political leader were mentioned).
Monitoring research was carried out by the Academy of Ukrainian Press (AUP) with participation of scientists of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine through the method of content analysis of prime-time news programs of 8 leading Ukrainian TV channels – Inter, 1+1, Novy Kanal, TRC “Ukrayna”, SТB, ICTV, UT-1, and TVi.
Presented analysis is part of continuous media monitoring conducted by the Academy of Ukrainian Press since 2002.
This monitoring research became possible due to the support of the American people. Monitoring results shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Academy of Ukrainian Press and not necessarily reflect the opinion of USAID and Internews Network.
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Valery Ivanov, AUP President
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Email: info@aup.com.ua