Zoreslav Zamoiskyi

APRIL 14, 1978 — MARCH, 2022


Zoreslav Zamoiskyi was an activist and freelance journalist.

When the war began, he was in the midst of it, in Bucha. He lived and worked there. He wrote for internet media outlets «Informatsiinyi portal» and «Hromada Pryirpinnia». His main subject was the work of local self-government bodies.

On March 1, Zoreslav started a 2022 war diary. He wanted to cover the events of the days in detail. He had never seen hostilities like this in his life, and never wished it upon anybody. Almost every house was damaged in Bucha. Destroyed military equipment was piling up in the streets. Most of the time Zoreslav spent in the cellar. It was possible to nip out and get some fresh air in the night time. The town was in enemy’s way, it obstructed the military march on the capital city.

Zoreslav had been out of reach since March 5. Once the Kyiv region was cleared from the occupiers, his dead body was discovered. Photos taken by forensic experts prove that Zoreslav died a violent death. He had been subjected to abuse and torture by the Russian military personnel. Zoreslav left this world on Bohdana Khmelnytskoho street. His demise was made known of on April 13; the next day, April 14, was the journalist’s birthday.

Zoreslav was 43. He was born in Dnipro and had no family in Kyiv region. He was sheltered by the local Jewish community, a parishioner of which he was. «Our country and our people go through tumultuous and tragic times», Zoreslav wrote.
