Volker Lilienthal Journalistic investigations


Volker Lilienthal
Journalistic investigations / Translation from German V. Klymchenko. Kyiv: Tsentr Vilnoii Presy, 2016. — 135 p.

ISBN 978-966-2123-79-1

Journalistic investigations are considered a top performance in professional journalism. Volker Lilienthal is admired as the master of this activity. He is generously sharing with German experience of journalistic investigations. It is extremely interesting for Ukrainian realities.  

Volker Lilienthal dedicates a huge part of his book to verifying information. The author gives a toolkit for verification and the examples of its work in practice. Work with sources is specified in particular. A journalist should always remember that every source has its reasons for giving information and these reasons are not always clear and do not coincide with the motivation of journalist to reveal violations. Being too enthusiastic is also not good for a journalist. The end does not justify the means here. Professional standards elaborated by the generations of journalists can give a reliable guidance in difficult cases. Works of V. Lilienthal are especially valuable because the author is taking his personal experience and numerous cases of his colleagues as the basis. Precisely practice, definite examples are demonstrated and analyzed as successful and false deeds of journalists-investigators.   

This book will be useful both for practicing journalists-investigators, and beginners who are learning basic profession.

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