The teachers’ guide to media literacy: critical thinking in a multimedia world


The teachers’ guide to media literacy: critical thinking in a multimedia world / Cyndy Scheibe and Faith Rogow / Translation from English S. Dioma, edited by V. F. Ivanov, O.V. Volosheniuk. – Kyiv.: Tsentr Vilnoii Presy, the Academy of Ukrainian Press, 2017. – 319p.

ISBN 978-966-2123-53-1 (2014)
ISBN 978-966-2123-81-4 (2017)
ISBN 978-1-4129-9758-4 (Eng.)

The teachersguide to media literacy: critical thinking in a multimedia worldby contemporary American media teachers, Cyndy Scheibe and Faith Rogow, is a developed during the recent years educational approach to teaching media literacy. This approach is based on basic media education principles defined in the ‘Key principles of teaching media literacy’ in the USA (NAMLE, 2007): research, literacy and integrity. Using this book, Ukrainian media teachers will be able to learn how to integrate media literacy with different education practices, will find many ideas on events and numerous examples of full model lessons.

Preparation of this handbook was realized due to the support of the American people given by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Internews Network. The contents expressed in this work are the responsibility of the Academy of Ukrainian Press and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, U.S. Government and Internews Network.

Preparation and publishing of this handbook was realized in 2012 with the support of Renaissance International Foundation.

Medialiteracy 2017 Short
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"AUP-info" multimedia online media 
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