Teaching practices to avoid the infodemic or Don’t isolate yourself form truth Textbook / O. Volosheniuk (Chapters 2, 3. 5) H. Dehtiariova (Chapter 2) M. Kaliberda (Chapter 1) O. Mokrohuz (Chapter 3) V. Potapova (Chapter 4) R. Shalamov (Chapter 1) / edited by O. Volosheniuk, R. Yevtushenko, V. Ivanov, A. Kulakov - Kyiv: AUP, Internews-Ukraine, Center for Free Press, 2020 - 68 p.
ISBN 978-617-7370-11-5
AUP in partnership with Internews-Ukraine has prepared a textbook “Teaching Practices to Avoid the Infodemic or Don’t Isolate Yourself form Truth” which contains a series of Biology, Civic Education, History, Ukrainian Language assignments as well as a scenario for extracurricular activity where media literacy is incorporated. Its content improves one’s critical assessment of media messages, awareness of individual role in avoiding the infodemic and accountability towards spreading the «virus» information. Textbook can be used during the classes at general secondary education establishments, during the continuing teachers’ training and at higher educational institutions.
Освітні практики із запобігання інфодемії, або Як не ізолюватися від правди
Скачано: 553, розмір: 5.4 MB, дата: 01.Jun.2020
Teachers and lecturers have an opportunity to conduct their lessons based on the textbook materials and receive a certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukaine, AUP and Internews-Ukraine.
For getting a certificate one needs to fill out a brief feedback form.
Only teachers who have already conducted their lessons and want to share their experience and impressions should fill in the form.
Preparation of this handbook was realized due to the support of the American people given by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) via the project ‘Media Program in Ukraine’ implemented by Internews Network. The contents expressed in this work are the responsibility of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, U.S. Government and Internews Network.