Media literacy at the lessons of Geography Textbook / Zoia Filonchuk. Edited by O. Volosheniuk & V. Ivanov. - Kyiv: AUP, Center for Free Press, 2020. - 73 p.
ISBN 978-617-7370-13-9
This handbook is the first edition in Ukraine covering the issues of media literacy at the lessons of geography. Brief theoretical guidance on different media literacy aspects are introduced in the book; the issue of methodology implementation in teaching media literacy is paid attention to; a number of ideas for assignments to be used at the lessons of biology and natural science are given.
The book represents a useful resource for the teachers of geography, who are striving to diversify their lessons, raise the students’ interest, deal not only with the competence but also with media literacy improvement.
Медіаграмотність на заняттях з географії
Скачано: 656, розмір: 1.7 MB, дата: 04.Jun.2020
Preparation of this handbook was realized due to the support of the American people given by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) via the project ‘Media Program in Ukraine’ implemented by Internews Network. The contents expressed in this work are the responsibility of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, U.S. Government and Internews Network.