Henning Noske Journalism: what one should know and can do


Henning Noske Journalism: what one should know and can do / Reading book and manual. Kyiv: Tsentr Vilnoii Presy, 2017. — 312 p.

ISBN 978-966-2123-80-7

Henning Noske titled his work ‘Journalism: what one should know and can do’ a reading book and manual. From the first glance, it is a weird combination. A manual has to give generalized and structured knowledge in some discipline, and a reading book contains additional examples and illustrations. However, H. Noske managed with this ambitious task. His work covers the basic principles of journalistic activity followed by numerous practical examples. Especially important is that the author is not a professional researcher or lecturer, he is a practical man who decided to help beginners choose the right way in journalism.

This is the 19th translated edition from German in the Library of Mass Communication and Media Literacy of the Academy of Ukrainian Press.

«Reading book and manual» by Henning Noske appears to be an alternative book about journalism; it is created on the basis of daily routine and in the routine of successful editorial activity done by the editor who gained numerous awards. Real experience is implemented here, that is important and necessary for journalists. Noske is avoiding theoretical ‘ivory tower’: he is writing how an editorial office really works and how it must perfectly work’ – tells in preface Paul-Joseph Rauhe

Reading book and manual by Henning Noske ‘Journalism: what one should know and can do’ will be interesting for practical journalists (especially, beginners) as well as for those who are still studying or want to study journalism.

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