July 20, 2015 in ethno complex "Ukrainian Village" (Kiev) hosted a meeting of the working group to integrate media literacy in the social sciences. Partner of the event: Academy of […]
16-17 July 2015 in Krakow held a meeting of the supervisory committee of Ukraine Media Literacy Program - Propaganda Proof. Partners of the event: Academy of Ukrainian Press, IREX, StopFAKE.
July 10, 2015 in the Poltava Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education named. M. V Ostrogradskiy prof., Doctor. ped. science Tatyana Ivanova read a public lecture on media education.
July 9-10, 2015 in Poltava hosted a two-day training on "How to Write about administrative reform and decentralization" The event was supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty.
6 - 7 July 2015 held the sixth training from the series "Practical media literacy" for employees of public libraries for children from Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy, Chernihiv.
25-26 June 2015 Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom held a two-day training "The standards of journalism in terms of military conflict" […]
June 25, 2015 Valery Ivanov, President of Academy of Ukrainian Press held a lecture onmedia education for students and teachers East Ukrainian National University. Dal (Severodonetsk, Luhansk region.).
June 25, 2015 in Sevyerodonetsk (Luhansk region). Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom organized a press conference with Gennady Moskal, head of […]
June 25, 2015 in Sevyerodonetsk (Luhansk region). Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom organized a press conference with Ruslan Tkachuk, ATO spokesman […]