Winners of MYMEDIA and AUP visited the school in Kiev

From 29 to 31 January 2015 28 winners of Articles MYMEDIA «Freedom. Democracy. Change" took part in the school media #FreedomUkraine.
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Training seminar on writing interview

January 31 and February 1, 2015, a youth of the newspaper "Your choice #FreedomUkraine», organized by Academy of Ukrainian Press supported MYMEDIA, a training seminar on writing interview.
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Seminar on writing interview

24 and 25 January, 2015 in the framework of the youth newspaper "Your Choice #FreedomUkraine» held a seminar on writing interview, which had students of the School of Journalism Ukrainian […]
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Seminar on writing interview

17 and 18 January 2015, a youth of the newspaper "Your choice #FreedomUkraine» held a seminar on writing interview, which had students of the School of Journalism Ukrainian Catholic University […]
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Your Choice #FreedomUkraine

14 and 15 January in the framework of the youth newspaper "Your Choice #FreedomUkraine» held a seminar on writing interview, which had students of the School of Journalism of the […]
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Media literacy

"Media literacy" Cindy Sheybe, Feyzi Rohou, which in 2013 issued the Academy of Ukrainian Press , joined the short list of nominees for "Horizon".
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Training on interview

27 and 28 December at the Museum of Ivan Gonchar held training on interview of journalist writing online edition "Telekritika" Olena Korkodym.
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workshop conducted by TV journalist Alexandra Marchenko

20 and 21 December, 2014 Students Chernigov and Kiev took part in a workshop conducted by TV journalist Alexandra Marchenko.
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Practical media and kino edukation

20-21 December 2014 in the Minsk held a seminar-training "Practical media and kinoosvita". Executive Director of AUP, media educator Oksana Voloshenyuk and media trainer, Director of the Center for Media […]
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