Training "Features of the journalist in terms of political and military conflict" in Slaviyansc

2 - 5 June in Slaviyansc held four training "Features of the journalist in terms of political and military conflict" organized by AUP jointly with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in […]
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Public lecture on media education for students of philology and Communications Mariupol State University

May 25, 2015 AUP president Valery Ivanov gave a public lecture on media education for students of philology and Communications Mariupol State University.
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Dialogue with experts Werner D'Inkа

May 22, 2015 in Odessa held a dialogue with experts Werner D'Inkа on "Features information policy in the Odessa region, the political and business influence on media." The event was […]
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European standards of the printing press. Management and marketing of newspapers

May 21-22, 2015 in Odessa Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine held a two-day seminar "European standards of the printing press. Management […]
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In Kiev AUP presents online game for Ukraine librarians

May 19, 2015 a presentation AUP resources, namely the online game "Mediaznayko", created with the support of Bibilomist and interactive magazine for children «MediaGuide», created with the support of MyMedia […]
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Practical media literacy

15-16 May 2015 in Kiev the latest in a series of trainings "Practical media literacy".  
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All-Ukrainian scientific-practical seminar "Development of effective technologies and innovative models of media education in modern educational institutions"

May 14, 2015 at Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education All-Ukrainian scientific-practical seminar "Development of effective models and innovative technologies of media education in modern educational institutions", organized by the […]
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Practical media education

ICF "Academy of Ukrainian Press" (AUP) supported program "Bibliomist" held a series of two-day training for librarians "Practical media literacy."  
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Prospects for the mass introduction of media education in pre-school, primary and secondary education

May 6, 2015 Kharkiv Academy of lifelong learning in cooperation with the Academy of Ukrainian Press in partnership with the Institute of Innovative Technology and Education Education of Ukraine held […]
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