Training session ‘Journalistic standards under the circumstances of martial conflict’


The Academy of Ukrainian Press (AUP) is continuing the training session ‘Journalistic standards under the circumstances of martial conflict’. In March, 3-4, 2016, the team of trainers worked with journalism students in Zaporizhya National University.

The situation in terms of conflict when journalism comes to an end and patriotism appears, when journalism is replaced by propaganda was discussed between university students and media trainer, journalist Andrii Iurychko. At the training the participants did creative and game tasks, argued about the term ‘journalism of loyalty’ and learned how to avoid hate speech in materials. The trainers focused on information collecting practical skills in the war conflict zones, rules of communication, rights for confidentiality and information source protection, military reportage writing practical peculiarities, journalistic activity on the background of propaganda, military and political censorship, experience of the world and Ukrainian media in reporting about martial conflicts for the audience.

While communicating with participants, the founder of ‘Weekly Mirror’ newspaper, Journalistic Ethics Committee head, Volodymyr Mostovyi emphasized that the problem of contemporary journalism consists not only in martial conflict. ‘For 70 years of piece several generations of journalists who used to work only in peaceful conditions have been changed. To master news reporting, analytical and journalistic writing for people means challenge to the current journalism’ – pointed out Volodymyr Mostovyi.
‘It is becoming more and more difficult to work under the circumstances of information war for our journalists without breaking professional standards’ – mentioned Valeriy Ivanov. In his opinion, such notions as completeness and objectivity of information, its balance and impartiality are being partially distorted. Consequently, there is a significant fall of confidence in media according to sociological surveys. Valeriy Ivanov urged students strictly to follow the principles of journalistic activity and not to break them in favor of populism or propaganda. As one of the journalistic success pillars he called the availability of wide range of information sources for verification and finding out new topics and events there.

The training session ‘Journalistic standards under the circumstances of martial conflict’ was organized by the Academy of Ukrainian Press by support of Media Development Foundation of the U.S. Embassy.
