"Global standards of journalism" in East Ukrainian National University


February 24-25, 2015 for students journalists in East Ukrainian National University Dahl held a seminar "Global standards of journalism".

Coaches and experts:
Vladimir Oleynik, Head of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Ukraine and Belarus.

Valery Ivanov, President of the Academy of Ukrainian Press, prof. Dr. Philology. Science, Head of Advertising and Public Relations of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.

Vladimir Mostovyi, chief of the ethics of journalism, founder of the newspaper "Mirror of the Week"


February 25, 2015 President of the Academy of Ukrainian Press, Valery Ivanov gave a public lecture on media education for students and teachers of East Ukrainian National University Dahl.



The event is organized by Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Ukraine.
